People of FIE

Our Faculty staff brings together a diverse and dynamic team of dedicated professionals, each renowned for their expertise in their respective fields. With a deep commitment to education and a passion for fostering intellectual growth, our staff not only excels in research and innovation but also serves as mentors and guides to the next generation of leaders.


Aleksandra Wypart-Pawul, MSc.

ORCID: 0000-0000-0000-0000

Fields of interest
  • water and wastewater treatment technology

The most important publications
  • Wypart-Pawul A., Grobelak A., & Neczaj E. (2023). Wykorzystanie  technologii  ozonowania  do  usuwania  wybranych farmaceutyków ze ścieków . In Współczesne Problemu Ochrony Środowiska i Energetyki (pp. 36–49). Silesian University of Technology

  • Wypart-Pawul, A., Neczaj, E., & Grobelak, A. (2023). Advanced oxidation processes for removal of organic micropollutants from wastewater. DESALINATION AND WATER TREATMENT, 305, 114–128.

  • Wypart-Pawul A., Neczaj E., & Grobelak A. (2024). Hybrydowe  metody  oczyszczania  ścieków  bazujące  na  integracji  bioreaktorów  membranowych  i  zaawansowanych  procesów  utleniania  . In Współczesne Problemy Energetyki i Ochrony Środowiska  (pp. 69–79). Politechnika Śląska.

  • Wypart-Pawul, A., Neczaj, E., Grosser, A., & Grobelak, A. (2024). Assessment of the effectiveness of atmospheric plasma on the removal of selected pharmaceuticals from water. Desalination and Water Treatment, 320.

  • Grobelak, A., Całus-Makowska, K., Jasińska, A., Klimasz, M., Wypart-Pawul, A., Augustajtys, D., Baor, E., Sławczyk, D., & Kowalska, A. (2024). Environmental Impacts and Contaminants Management in Sewage Sludge-to-Energy and Fertilizer Technologies: Current Trends and Future Directions. Energies, 17(19), 4983.


Beata Bień, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3288-9804

Fields of interest
  • wastewater and sludge management
  • disintegration of sewage sludge using conventional and hybrid methods,
  • analysis of dewatering efficiency and testing of sludge liquids.
The most important publications
  • Macherzyński, B., Popowska-Nowak, E., Włodarczyk-Makuła, M., Bień, B., & Wszelaka-Rylik, M. (2024). Intensification of Energy Production in the Anaerobic Digestion Process of Sewage Sludge Using Enzymatic Disintegration. Energies, 18(1), 11.

  • Bień, J., & Bień, B. (2024). Energy Recovery from Municipal Sewage Sludge: Combustion Kinetics in a Varied Oxygen–Carbon Dioxide Atmosphere. Energies, 17(21), 5382.

  • Bień, J., Bień, B. (2024). Rapid Assessment of Solar PV Micro-System Energy Generation in Poland Based on Freely Pvlib-Python Library, Production Engineering Archives, 30(3), 326-332.

  • Bień, B., Bień, J. D., & Macherzyński, B. (2023). The effect of selected methods of conditioning of digested sewage sludge on the content of organic and biogenic compounds in sludge liquids. Desalination and Water Treatment, 288, 256-264.

  • Bień, J. D., & Bień, B. (2023). Forecasting the municipal sewage sludge amount generated at wastewater treatment plants using some machine learning methods. Desalination and Water Treatment, 288, 265-272.

  • Macherzyński, B., Wszelaka-Rylik, M., Włodarczyk-Makuła, M., Osiak, M., Pietrzak, A., Bień, B., & Poniatowska, A. (2023). Comparative efficiency of phosphorus removal from supernatants by coagulation process. Desalination and Water Treatment, 301, 209-215.

  • Bień, B., & Bień, J. D. (2022). Analysis of reject water formed in the mechanical dewatering process of digested sludge conditioned by physical and chemical methods. Energies, 15(5), 1678.

  • Bień, B., & Bień, J. D. (2021). Conditioning of sewage sludge with physical, chemical and dual methods to improve sewage sludge dewatering. Energies, 14(16), 5079.

  • Bień, B., & Bień, J. D. (2020). Dewatering of sewage sludge treated by the combination of ultrasonic field and chemical methods. Desalination and Water Treatment, 199, 72-78.

  • Bień, B., & Bień, J. D. (2020). Influence of digested sludge conditioning on the dewatering processes and the quality of sludge liquid. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering, 27(1), 151-164.


Jurand Bien, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8544-7463

Fields of interest
  • Waste management, thermal conversion of waste energy, municipal sewage sludge management technologies, air protection against pollutants from thermal processing of waste, green energy

Artur Błaszczuk, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-7397-061X

Fields of interest
  • Heat transfer processes and heat exchangers, energy conversion technologies, fluidized beds, dynamics of gas-solid flows, powder and particle technologies, population mass balance, NOx emission

Katarzyna Cygnarowska, MSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2700-8569

Fields of interest
  • removal of heavy metals from industrial wastewater using algae,
  • utilization of waste materials as biosorbents for heavy metals,
  • pssibilities for the management of post-sorption materials.
The most important publications
  • Kipigroch K., Janosz-Rajczyk M., Wykrota L. (2012) Biosorption of Heavy Metals with the Use of Mixed Algal Population. Archives of Environmental Protection, 38(2), 3-10
  • Kipigroch K., Janosz-Rajczyk M., Mosakowska R. (2014) Sorption of Copper (II) and Cadmium (II) Ions with the Use of Algae. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52(19-21), 3987-3992
  • Kipigroch K., Janosz-Rajczyk M., Skowron-Grabowska B. (2016) The Use of Algae in the Removal of Cd and Cu in the Process of Wastewater Recovery. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(3), 1508-1514
  • Kipigroch K. (2018) The Use of Algae in the Process of Heavy Metal Ions Removal from Wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 134, 289-295
  • Kipigroch K. (2020) The Use of Algae to Remove Zinc and Lead from Industrial Wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 199, 323-330
  • Cygnarowska K. (2021) The Use of Algae in the Process of Cadmium and Lead Ions Removal from Wastewater. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 23, 823-834
  • Cygnarowska K. (2023) The Use of Algae to Remove Copper and Lead from Industrial Wastewater. Geology Geophysics and Environment, 49, 85-93

Tomasz Czakiert, Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-9738-2580

Fields of interest
  • Oxy-fuel combustion, chemical looping processes, fluidized bed technology, advanced energy conversion processes, combustion and gasification of solid fuels, flue gas measurement and analysis

Iwona Deska, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1810-6316

Fields of interest
  • green roofs -- technology and modifications

  • water loss analysis

  • sustainable water management in cities

  • light organic liquids immiscible with water


Danuta Dróżdż, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-8669-184X

Fields of interest
  • Biological waste processing methods (composting, compost production)
  • Thermal waste processing methods (pyrolysis, biochar production)
  • Biodegradable and compostable agricultural accessories
  • Agricultural residue processing
  • Sustainable agriculture
  • Soil enhancer production
  • Landscape architecture (sensory garden, vertical garden, greenhouse, green roofs)
  • Circular economy
The most important publications
  • Dróżdż, D., Malińska, K., Wystalska, K., Meers, E., & Robles-Aguilar, A. (2023). The Influence of Poultry Manure-Derived Biochar and Compost on Soil Properties and Plant Biomass Growth. Materials, 16(18), 6314. 

  • Wystalska, K., Malińska, K., Sobik-Szołtysek, J., Dróżdż, D., & Meers, E. (2023). Properties of Poultry-Manure-Derived Biochar for Peat Substitution in Growing Media. Materials, 16(19), 6392.

  • Kacprzak, M., Malińska, K., Grosser, A., Sobik-Szołtysek, J., Wystalska, K., Dróżdż, D., Jasińska, A., & Meers, E. (2023). Cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in poultry manure management technologies–environmental aspects. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 53(8), 914-938.  

  • Stachowiak, T., Postawa, P., Malińska, K., Dróżdż, D. (2022). Comparison of physical and thermal properties of mulching films made of different polymeric. Materials, 15 (21), 7610.

  • Malińska, K., Pudełko, A., Postawa, P., Stachowiak, T., Dróżdż, D. (2022). Performance of Biodegradable Biochar-Added and Bio-Based Plastic Clips for Growing Tomatoes. Materials, 15 (20), 7205.

  • Dróżdż, D. Production and Use of Organic Soil Enhancers and Growing Media From Agro-Residues. Ph.D. Thesis, Czestochowa University of Technology, Częstochowa, Poland, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 2022. 

  • Dróżdż, D., Wystalska, K., Malińska, K., Grosser, A., Grobelak, A., & Kacprzak, M. (2020). Management of poultry manure in Poland–Current state and future perspectives. Journal of Environmental Management, 264, 110327. 

  • Drożdż, D., Malińska, K., Mazurkiewicz, J., Kacprzak, M., Mrowiec, M., Szczypiór, A., Postawa, P., & Stachowiak, T. (2020). Fish pond sediment from aquaculture production - Current practices and the potential for nutrient recovery: a Review. International Agrophysics, 34(1).

  • Dróżdż, D., Malińska, K., Kacprzak, M., Mrowiec, M., Szczypiór, A., Postawa, P., & Stachowiak, T. (2020). Potential of fish pond sediments composts as organic fertilizers. Waste and Biomass Valorization, 11(10), 5151-5163.

Participation in international project:
  • Organic+ (774340), time frame 2018-2022, funded under Horizon 2020
  • Nutri2Cycle (773682), time frame 2018-2023, funded under Horizon 2020
  • BIO-CIRCULAR-HUB (101186869), time frame 2025-2029, funded under Horizon Europe

Krzysztof Fijałkowski, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5718-0581

Fields of interest
  • toxicology and phytoremediation of soils
  • use of filamentous fungi in environmental engineering processes (waste conditioning, enzyme production, contaminant decomposition)
  • carbon sequestration by urban greenery
  • use of sewage sludge in soil remediation

The most important publications
  • Kacprzak, M. J., Ellis, A., Fijałkowski, K., Kupich, I., Gryszpanowicz, P., Greenfield, E., & Nowak, D. (2024). Urban forest species selection for improvement of ecological benefits in Polish cities-The actual and forecast potential. Journal of Environmental Management, 366, 121732.

  • Kacprzak, M., Neczaj, E., Fijałkowski, K., Grobelak, A., Grosser, A., Worwag, M., ... & Singh, B. R. (2017). Sewage sludge disposal strategies for sustainable development. Environmental research, 156, 39-46.

  • Fijalkowski, K., Rorat, A., Grobelak, A., & Kacprzak, M. J. (2017). The presence of contaminations in sewage sludge–The current situation. Journal of environmental management, 203, 1126-1136.

  • Placek-Lapaj, A., Grobelak, A., Fijalkowski, K., Singh, B. R., Almås, Å. R., & Kacprzak, M. (2019). Post–Mining soil as carbon storehouse under polish conditions. Journal of environmental management, 238, 307-314.

  • Fijalkowski, K., Rosikon, K., Grobelak, A., Hutchison, D., & Kacprzak, M. J. (2018). Modification of properties of energy crops under Polish condition as an effect of sewage sludge application onto degraded soil. Journal of environmental management, 217, 509-519.

  • Kacprzak, M., Kupich, I., Jasinska, A., & Fijalkowski, K. (2022). Bio-based waste’substrates for degraded soil improvement—Advantages and challenges in European context. Energies, 15(1), 385.


Monika Gałwa-Widera, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0003-0603-6306

Fields of interest
  • waste management technologies (mainly composting)

  • odor biofiltration

  • searching for ecological methods of recycling broadly understood waste

  • reducing waste production.


Anna Grobelak, PhD, DSc

ORCID: 0000-0003-1972-9734

Fields of interest
  • bioremediation and remediation of soils; waste and sewage sludge management, innovative treatment methods and in the context of a closed loop economy.
  • occurrence and removal of organic and pharmaceutical contaminants from water and soil 
  • opportunities for carbon sequestration in remediated and post-mining soils to reduce climate change impacts.
  • assessment of the impact of nanoparticles, biostimulation, plant growth-promoting microorganisms on environmental processes, including soil microorganisms and biodegradation processes.
The most important publications
  • Całus-Makowska, K., Dziubińska, J., Grosser, A., & Grobelak, A. (2025). Application of the Fenton and photo-Fenton processes in pharmaceutical removal: New perspectives in environmental protection. Desalination and Water Treatment, 321, 100949.

  • Klimasz, M., & Grobelak, A. (2024). Accumulation of Spherical Microplastics in Earthworms Tissues-Mapping Using Raman Microscopy. Applied Sciences, 14(22), 10117.

  • Grobelak, A., Całus-Makowska, K., Jasińska, A., Klimasz, M., Wypart-Pawul, A., Augustajtys, D., ... & Kowalska, A. (2024). Environmental Impacts and Contaminants Management in Sewage Sludge-to-Energy and Fertilizer Technologies: Current Trends and Future Directions. Energies, 17(19), 4983.

  • Wypart-Pawul, A., Neczaj, E., Grosser, A., & Grobelak, A. (2024). Assessment of the effectiveness of atmospheric plasma on the removal of selected pharmaceuticals from water. Desalination and Water Treatment, 320, 100600.

  • Kowalska, A., & Grobelak, A. (2024). Soil Biodiversity and Plant‐Microbes Interactions on Post‐Industrial Land. Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services on Post‐Industrial Land, 189-198.

  • Kowalska, A., Růžičková, J., Kucbel, M., & Grobelak, A. (2023). Carbon Sequestration in Remediated Post-Mining Soils: A New Indicator for the Vertical Soil Organic Carbon Variability Evaluation in Remediated Post-Mining Soils. Energies, 16(16), 5876.

  • Wypart-Pawul, A., Neczaj, E., & Grobelak, A. (2023). Advanced oxidation processes for removal of organic micropollutants from wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 305, 114-128.

  • Grobelak, A., & Spinosa, L. (2023). Sustainable/integrated/sewage sludge management. In Sustainable and Circular Management of Resources and Waste Towards a Green Deal (pp. 163-181). Elsevier.

  • Prasad, M. N. V., & Grobelak, A. (Eds.). (2020). Waterborne pathogens: Detection and treatment. butterworth-heinemann.

  • Jaskulak, M., Grobelak, A., & Vandenbulcke, F. (2020). Modeling and optimizing the removal of cadmium by Sinapis alba L. from contaminated soil via Response Surface Methodology and Artificial Neural Networks during assisted phytoremediation with sewage sludge. International Journal of Phytoremediation, 22(12), 1321-1330.


Anna Grosser, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-8011-0207

Fields of interest
  • biological methods of waste processing,

  • intensification of biogas production,

  • energy self-sufficiency of wastewater treatment plants,

  • fate of micropollutants (e.g. pharmaceutical contaminants, nanoparticles) in wastewater treatment and sludge stabilization processes

  • hydrothermal carbonization

  • closed loop economy in waste management.

The most important publications
  • Grosser, A. (2018). Determination of methane potential of mixtures composed of sewage sludge, organic fraction of municipal waste and grease trap sludge using biochemical methane potential assays. A comparison of BMP tests and semi-continuous trial results. Energy, 143, 488-499.

  • Grosser, A. (2017). The influence of decreased hydraulic retention time on the performance and stability of co-digestion of sewage sludge with grease trap sludge and organic fraction of municipal waste. Journal of environmental management, 203, 1143-1157.

  • Kossińska, N., Grosser, A., Kwapińska, M., Kwapiński, W., Ghazal, H., Jouhara, H., & Krzyżyńska, R. (2024). Co-hydrothermal carbonization as a potential method of utilising digested sludge and screenings from wastewater treatment plants towards energy application. Energy, 299, 131456.

  • Smetana, G., & Grosser, A. (2023). The Oxygenic Photogranules—Current Progress on the Technology and Perspectives in Wastewater Treatment: A Review. Energies, 16(1), 523.

  • Grosser, A., Neczaj, E., Jasinska, A., & Celary, P. (2020). The influence of grease trap sludge sterilization on the performance of anaerobic co-digestion of sewage sludge. Renewable Energy, 161, 988-997.

  • Grosser, A., Neczaj, E., Singh, B. R., Almås, Å. R., Brattebø, H., & Kacprzak, M. (2017). Anaerobic digestion of sewage sludge with grease trap sludge and municipal solid waste as co-substrates. Environmental research, 155, 249-260.

  • Całus-Makowska, K., Dziubinska, J., Grosser, A., & Grobelak, A. (2025). Application of the Fenton and photo-Fenton processes in pharmaceutical removal: New perspectives in environmental protection. Desalination and Water Treatment, 321, 100949.

  • Kacprzak, M., Malińska, K., Grosser, A., Sobik-Szołtysek, J., Wystalska, K., Dróżdż, D., ... & Meers, E. (2023). Cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in poultry manure management technologies–environmental aspects. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science and Technology, 53(8), 914-938.

  • Jasińska, A., Grosser, A., Meers, E., & Piłyp, D. (2024). Stimulating Methane Production from Poultry Manure Digest with Sewage Sludge and Organic Waste by Thermal Pretreatment and Adding Iron or Sodium Hydroxide. Energies, 17(11), 2679.

  • Jasińska, A., Grosser, A., Meers, E., & Aguilar, A. R. (2024). Energy recovery from poultry manure in the process of semi-continuous anaerobic co-digestion with sewage sludge. Energy Reports, 12, 3969-3981.


Szymon Hoffman, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5164-6747

Fields of interest
  • environmental chemistry, environmental monitoring, and environmental statistics.

  • applications of statistical methods in the field of air pollution.

  • development of artificial neural networks methods for modeling air pollution concentrations.

The most important publications
  • Hoffman, S., Jasiński, R., & Baran, J. (2024). Regression Modeling of Daily PM2.5 Concentrations with a Multilayer Perceptron. Energies, 17(9), 2202.

  • Filak, M., & Hoffman, S. (2023). Benzo(a)Pyrene in PM10 - Air Monitoring Results in Poland. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering S, 30(4), 557–565.

  • Hoffman, S., & Jasiński, R. (2023). The Use of Multilayer Perceptrons to Model PM2.5 Concentrations at Air Monitoring Stations in Poland. Atmosphere, 14(1), 96.

  • Hoffman, S., Filak, M., & Jasiński, R. (2022). Air Quality Modeling with the Use of Regression Neural Networks. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 19(24), 16494.

  • Hoffman, S. (2021). Estimation of Prediction Error in Regression Air Quality Models. Energies, 14(21), 7387.

  • Hoffman, S. (2015). Assessment of prediction accuracy in autonomous air quality models. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(3), 1322–1326.

  • Hoffman, S. (2006). Short-Time Forecasting of Atmospheric NOx Concentration by Neural Networks. Environmental Engineering Science, 23(4), 603–609.

  • Hoffman, S. (2013). Modelowanie poziomu imisji na stacjach monitoringu powietrza za pomocą perceptronowych sieci neuronowych. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa.

  • Hoffman, S., Jasiński, R. (2009). Uzupełnianie brakujących danych w systemach monitoringu powietrza. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa.

  • Hoffman, S. (2004). Zastosowanie sieci neuronowych w modelowaniu regresyjnym stężeń zanieczyszczeń powietrza. Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa.


Beata Jabłońska, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8562-5864

Fields of interest
  • environmental engineering, and in particular the use of physical and chemical processes to remove pollutants from water and wastewater, sorption processes, water recovery and reuse in technological processes, industrial wastewater treatment, waste management and recycling, including chemical recycling of plastics

The most important publications
  • Jabłońska, B., Poznańska, G., Jabłoński, P., & Zwolińska, J. (2024). Thermochemical Valorization of Plastic Waste Containing Low Density Polyethylene, Polyvinyl Chloride and Polyvinyl Butyral into Thermal and Fuel Energy. Energies, 17(14), 3458.

  • Jabłońska, B., & Gliniak, M. (2023). Optimization of methylene blue and povidone-iodine adsorption conditions on activated biochar from sunflower husk pyrolysis. Desalination and Water Treatment, 301, 228-241.

  • Jabłońska, B., Dróżdż, T., Jabłoński, P., & Kiełbasa, P. (2022). Removal of Pb (II), Cd (II) and Ni (II) ions from groundwater by nonthermal plasma. Materials, 15(15), 5426.

  • Jabłońska, B. (2021). Optimization of Ni (II), Pb (II), and Zn (II) ion adsorption conditions on pliocene clays from post-mining waste. Minerals, 11(6), 568.

  • Jabłonska, B. (2020). Removing of Cr (III) and Cr (VI) compounds from aqueous solutions by shale waste rocks. Desalination and Water Treatment, 186, 234-246.

  • Jabłońska, B., Busch, M., Kityk, A. V., & Huber, P. (2019). Natural and chemically modified post-mining clays—Structural and surface properties and preliminary tests on copper sorption. Minerals, 9(11), 704.

  • Jabłońska, B., Kiełbasa, P., Korenko, M., & Dróżdż, T. (2019). Physical and chemical properties of waste from PET bottles washing as a component of solid fuels. Energies, 12(11), 2197.

  • Jabłońska, B. (2018). Water consumption management in polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles washing process via wastewater pretreatment and reuse. Journal of environmental management, 224, 215-224.

  • Jabłońska, B., Kityk, A. V., Busch, M., & Huber, P. (2017). The structural and surface properties of natural and modified coal gangue. Journal of Environmental Management, 190, 80-90.

  • Jabłońska, B., & Siedlecka, E. (2015). Removing heavy metals from wastewaters with use of shales accompanying the coal beds. Journal of Environmental Management, 155, 58-66.


Agnieszka Jachura, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2116-3816

Fields of interest
  • Auditing and thermal modernization of buildings, LCA analysis, heat storage technologies, installation systems and heating networks, passive buildings and constructions, proces optimization


Rafał Jasiński, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0003-3119-2482

Fields of interest
  • air quality modeling

  • regression modeling of daily PM2.5 and PM10 concentrations

  • air pollution, smog


Andrzej Kacprzak, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4978-3515

Fields of interest
  • Fuel cells technology, clean coal technologies, renewable energy sources, integrated systems, fuel conversion technologies, combustion, hydropower, wind energy


Tomasz Kamizela, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-8756-0382

Fields of interest
  • Wastewater technology,

  • Wastewater sludge technology,

  • Recovery of products and elements from wastewater and sludge,

  • Municipal and industrial wastewater sludge management.

The most important publications
  • KAMIZELA Tomasz, WORWĄG Małgorzata, KOWALCZYK Mariusz, Environmentally Safe Method for Conditioning and Dewatering Sewage Sludge Using Iron Coagulant, Cellulose and Perlite, Energies, 2024, 17, 1,
  • KAMIZELA Tomasz, WŁODARCZYK-MAKUŁA Maria, Unit Quantities of Municipal Sewage Sludge Produced in Agglomerations Included in KPOŚK Reports, Instal, 2024, 10 (466), 10.36119/15.2024.10.7.
  • KAMIZELA Tomasz, GROBELAK Anna, WORWĄG Małgorzata, Use of Acidithiobacillus Thiooxidans and Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans in the Recovery of Heavy Metals from Landfill Leachates, Energies, 2021, 14, 11,
  • KAMIZELA Tomasz, LYNG Kari-Anne, SAXEGARD Simon, SVEDOVA Barbora, GROBELAK Anna, Bionor Sewage Sludge Technology - Biomass to Fertiliser and a Soil Addition, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021, DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2021.128655.
  • KAMIZELA Tomasz, WORWĄG Małgorzata, Processing of Water Treatment Sludge by Bioleaching, Energies, 2020, 13, 24,

Beata Karwowska, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0003-2825-7644

Fields of interest
  • environmental chemistry, chemistry of water, wastewater, sewage sludge and soil and water treatment processes.

  • environmental occurrence and transformation of heavy metals in water, sewage sludge and soil.

The most important publications
  • Karwowska, B. (2014). Changes of metal forms in sewage sludge after EDTA washing. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52(19-21), 4000-4005. DOI:10.1080/19443994.2014.887493

  • Karwowska, B. (2016). Dynamika ekstrakcji Zn, Cu, Ni, Pb i Cd z przemysłowych i komunalnych osadów ściekowych przy zastosowaniu roztworów EDTA i kwasu cytrynowego. Annual Set The Environment Protection/ Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 18(2), 681-694.

  • Karwowska, B., Wiśniowska, E., Sperczyńska E. (2016). Characteristics of reject waters and condensates generated during drying of sewage sludge from selected wastewater treatment plants. Desalination and Water Treatment, 57(3), 1176-1183. DOI:10.1080/19443994.2014.989633

  • Rosińska, A., Karwowska, B. (2017). Dynamics of changes in coplanar and indicator PCB in sewage sludge during mesophilic methane digestion. Journal of  Hazardous Materials, 323, 341–349. DOI:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2016.04.016

  • Karwowska, B., Dąbrowska, L. (2017). Bioavailability of Heavy Metals in the Municipal Sewage Sludge. Ecological Chemistry and Engineering, 24(1), 75 – 86. DOI: 10.2428/ecea.2017.24(1)6

  • Karwowska, B. (2018). Temperature and pH influence on the efficiency of trace metals leaching from sewage sludge with EDTA solution, Desalination and Water Treatment, 134, 257 – 264. doi: 10.5004/dwt.2018.23221

  • Karwowska, B. (2021). Identification of the main limitations related to the agricultural use of products from bio-waste and products produced on their basis, the impact of processing technology on the occurrence of contaminants. W: E. Neczaj, A. Grosser (red.), Environmental safety of bio-waste in the circular economy (Rozdział XI). Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej.

  • Karwowska, B., Sperczyńska, E., Dąbrowska, L. (2021).Water treatment in hybrid connection of coagulation, ozonation, UV irradiation and adsorption processes. Water, 13, 1748. DOI: 10.3390/w13131748

  • Karwowska, B., Sperczyńska, E. (2022). Organic matter and heavy metal ions removal from surface water in processes of oxidation with ozone, UV irradiation coagulation and adsorption. Water, 14, 3763. DOI: 10.3390/w14223763

  • Karwowska, B., Sperczyńska, E. (2023). Coagulation enhanced with adsorption and ozonation processes in surface water treatment. Sustainability, 15, 16956. DOI: 10.3390/su152416956


Urszula Kępa, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5456-2672

Fields of interest
  • hydraulic modeling of water supply networks,

  • analysis of operating conditions of water supply networks (optimal operating parameters, water losses, failure rates).


Rafał Kobyłecki, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5367-408X

Fields of interest
  • Environmental aspects of energy conversion technologies, biochar production and application, diagnostics and design of boilers and other devices, fluidization, fuel processing, flue gas cleaning

Mariusz Kowalczyk, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0766-0151

Fields of interest
  • Wastewater and sludge technology - innovative technologies

  • Intensification of biological methods of sewage sludge processing, i.e. sludge preconditioning, co-digestion, co-composting

  • Disposal and management of sewage sludge

The most important publications
  • Tomasz Kamizela; Mariusz Kowalczyk; Małgorzata Worwąg; Katarzyna Wystalska; Magdalena Zabochnicka; Urszula Kępa (2024) Possibilities of Managing Waste Iron Sorbent FFH after CO2Capture as an Element of a Circular Economy. Materials, DOI: 10.3390/ma17112725
  • Katarzyna Wystalska; Mariusz Kowalczyk; Tomasz Kamizela; Małgorzata Worwąg; Magdalena Zabochnicka (2024) Properties and Possibilities of Using Biochar Composites Made on the Basis of Biomass and Waste Residues Ferryferrohydrosol Sorbent. Materials, DOI: 10.3390/ma17112646
  • Mariusz Kowalczyk (2024) The Influence of the Addition of Cement and Zeolite on the Increase in the Efficiency of Sewage Sludge Dewatering in the Pressure Filtration Process. Energies, DOI: 10.3390/en17030685
  • Tomasz Kamizela; Małgorzata Worwąg; Mariusz Kowalczyk (2023) Environmentally Safe Method for Conditioning and Dewatering Sewage Sludge Using Iron Coagulant, Cellulose and Perlite. Energies, DOI: 10.3390/en17010134
  • Angelika Skorupa; Małgorzata Worwąg; Mariusz Kowalczyk (2022) Coffee Industry and Ways of Using By-Products as Bioadsorbents for Removal of Pollutants. Water, DOI: 10.3390/w15010112

    Web of Science: 26 records, H-index 8, citations 128 ; Google Scholar: H-index 11, citations 293


Iwona Kupich, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0002-1686-4810

Fields of interest
  • issues related to the study of soils modified with mineral waste fertilizers and carbon sequestration in anthropogenic soils.

  • waste topics, especially mineral waste management.

The most important publications
  • Kacprzak, M. J., Ellis, A., Fijałkowski, K., Kupich, I., Gryszpanowicz, P., Greenfield, E., & Nowak, D. (2024). Urban forest species selection for improvement of ecological benefits in Polish cities-The actual and forecast potential. Journal of Environmental Management, 366, 121732.

  • Kacprzak, M., Kupich, I., Jasinska, A., & Fijalkowski, K. (2022). Bio-based waste’substrates for degraded soil improvement—Advantages and challenges in European context. Energies, 15(1), 385.

  • Kacprzak, M., & Iwona, K. (2022). The Governance and Social Aspects. Biodegradable Waste Management in the Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, 445-462.

  • KUPICH, I., & WARELIŚ, K. (2022). Respiracja gleb na zielonych terenach miejskich Częstochowy–badania wstępne. INŻYNIERIA ŚRODOWISKA, 165.

  • Kacprzak, M., Neczaj, E., Grosser, A., Grobelak, A., Rosińska, A., Kupich, I., & Fijałkowski, K. (2021). Wyzwania, trendy i technologie w oczyszczalniach przyszłości. Wodociągi-Kanalizacja.

  • Kupich, I., & Madeła, M. (2020). Sorption as effective and economical method of waterborne pathogens removal. In Waterborne Pathogens (pp. 301-319). Butterworth-Heinemann.

  • Kacprzak, M. J., & Kupich, I. (2021). The specificities of the circular economy (CE) in the municipal wastewater and sewage sludge sector—local circumstances in Poland. Clean Technologies and Environmental Policy, 1-17.

  • Kupich, I., & Madeła, M. (2019). Determining the possibility of using selected composts to remove aqueous solutions from zinc ions in concentrations of up to 1000 mg. L-1. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 86, p. 00025). EDP Sciences.

  • Sobik-Szołtysek, J., & Kupich, I. (2019). Effect of the addition of coal waste on the process of composting and sorption capacity of composts. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 21.

  • Kupich, I., & Girczys, J. (2017). In-situ leaching of limestone in the process of water drainage in Zn-Pb ore mines. Physicochemical Problems of Mineral Processing, 53.


Anna Kwarciak-Kozłowska, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6273-5868

Fields of interest
  • physicochemical treatment of industrial wastewater

  • anaerobic wastewater treatment technologies

  • landfill leachate treatment methods

  • removal of micropollutants from water and wastewater


Joanna Lach, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-7230-5610

Fields of interest
  • adsorption of heavy metals on activated carbons

  • kinetics, statics and thermodynamics of antibiotic adsorption on microporous carbon sorbents

  • modification of activated carbons


Piotr Lis, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5310-0895

Fields of interest
  • central heating systems

  • energy saving and emission reduction in heating residential buildings

  • energy efficiency of buildings

Magda Madeła, PhD 

ORCID: 0000-0003-3802-3454

Fields of interest
    • issues in the field of water and wastewater treatment using activated carbons,
    • pollutant sorption processes on alternative sorbents towards sustainable development.

use of sewage sludge in soil remediation

The most important publications
  • Madeła, M., Krzemińska, D., & Neczaj, E. (2014). Wpływ procesu Fentona na skuteczność usuwania zanieczyszczeń ze ścieków przemysłowych na węglach aktywnych. Technologia Wody, (5 (37)), 46-50.

  • Madeła, M., Neczaj, E., Worwąg, M., & Grosser, A. (2015). Zagrożenia środowiskowe nanocząstkami. Przemysł Chemiczny, 94, 2138-2141.

  • Madeła, M., Neczaj, E., & Grosser, A. (2016). Fate of engineered nanoparticles in wastewater treatment plant. Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska, 19(4), 577-587.

  • Madeła, M., Grobelak, A., & Neczaj, E. (2018). Impact of selected nanoparticles on wastewater treatment efficiency. Desal. Wat. Treat, 134, 115-120.

  • Kwarciak-Kozłowska, A., Madeła, M., & Wrońska, M. (2018). Post-treatment of coke wastewater on activated carbons. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 44, p. 00088). EDP Sciences.

  • Madeła, M. (2019). Impact of silver nanoparticles on wastewater treatment in the SBR. In E3S Web of Conferences (Vol. 86, p. 00027). EDP Sciences.

  • Kupich, I., & Madeła, M. (2020). Sorption as effective and economical method of waterborne pathogens removal. In Waterborne Pathogens (pp. 301-319). Butterworth-Heinemann.

  • Madeła, M. (2020). Effect of copper nanoparticles on biological wastewater treatment. Desalin. Water Treat, 199, 493-498.

  • Madeła, M., & Skuza, M. (2021). Towards a circular economy: analysis of the use of biowaste as biosorbent for the removal of heavy metals. Energies, 14(17), 5427.

  • Madeła, M. (2023). Microplastic Toxicity to Humans. Microplastics in the Ecosphere: Air, Water, Soil, and Food, 381-390.


Majchrzak-Kucęba, Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-7746-7659

Fields of interest
  • Carbon capture, utilization and storage, pressure swing adsorption, CO2 capture and use, energy utilization, advanced sorbents, micro- and mesoporous solids, thermal analysis

Krystyna Malińska, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4590-5546

Fields of interest
  • waste processing, composting

  • production and use of biochar

  • use of carbon and nutrients in agriculture

  • biodegradable and compostable foil


Robert Malmur, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0003-1916-8666

Fields of interest
  • rainwater drainage methods, sustainable water management in cities

  • transfer tanks

  • storage tanks in systems in wastewater systems


Paweł Mirek, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5451-1533

Fields of interest
  • Energy conversion and storage, waste heat utilization, nuclear power plants, air distribution and hydrodynamics of fluidized beds and CFB boilers, non-invasive optical metrology for gas-solid flows

Ewa Neczaj, Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-6900-6254

Fields of interest
  • use of biotechnological methods in engineering and environmental protection
  • removal of selected micropollutants from wastewater using physical and chemical methods.
The most important publications
  • Wypart-Pawul, A., Neczaj, E., Grosser, A., & Grobelak, A. (2024). Assessment of the effectiveness of atmospheric plasma on the removal of selected pharmaceuticals from water. Desalination and Water Treatment, 320, 100600.

  • Wypart-Pawul, A., Neczaj, E., & Grobelak, A. (2023). Advanced oxidation processes for removal of organic micropollutants from wastewater. Desalination and Water Treatment, 305, 114-128.

  •  Grosser, A., & Neczaj, E. (2022). Biorefineries. Biodegradable Waste Management in the Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, 281-298.

  • Grosser, A., & Neczaj, E. (2022). Anaerobic Digestion. Biodegradable Waste Management in the Circular Economy: Challenges and Opportunities, 215-250.

  • Neczaj, E., Grosser, A., Grobelak, A., Celary, P., & Singh, B. R. (2021). Conversion of sewage sludge and other biodegradable waste into High-Value soil amendment within a circular bioeconomy perspective. Energies, 14(21), 6953.

  • Neczaj, E. (2020). Fate of selected emerging contaminants in wastewater treatment systems. Desalin. Water Treat, 199, 451-463.

  • Neczaj, E., & Grosser, A. (2018, July). Circular economy in wastewater treatment plant–challenges and barriers. In Proceedings (Vol. 2, No. 11, p. 614). MDPI.

  • Kacprzak, M., Neczaj, E., Fijałkowski, K., Grobelak, A., Grosser, A., Worwag, M., ... & Singh, B. R. (2017). Sewage sludge disposal strategies for sustainable development. Environmental research, 156, 39-46.

  • Krzemińska, D., Neczaj, E., & Borowski, G. (2015). Advanced oxidation processes for food industrial wastewater decontamination. Journal of Ecological Engineering, 16(2).

  • Bohdziewicz, J., Neczaj, E., & Kwarciak, A. (2008). Landfill leachate treatment by means of anaerobic membrane bioreactor. Desalination, 221(1-3), 559-565


Rafał Nowak, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-3543-7363

Fields of interest
  • landfill leachate treatment methods
  • removal of micropollutants from wastewater and landfill leachate

Ewa Okoniewska, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0998-4002

Fields of interest
  • removal of dyes using activated carbons
  • adsorption of heavy metals on activated carbons
  • modifications of activated carbons


Marcin Panowski, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5773-9733

Fields of interest
  • Mathematical and numerical modelling and simulations, efficiency of electricity, heat and chill generation, waste heat recovery and utilisation, heat pumps, flue gas emission control
See more
Personal page

Agnieszka Popenda, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4971-873X

Fields of interest
  • microplastics in the environment,
  • wastewater treatment,
  • removal of heavy metals from wastewater and their fates in the environment
  • dredging and safety management of sediments
The most important publications
  • Popenda A., Wiśniowska E., Microplastics in sediments of selected recreational reservoirs, Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports, CEER 2022; 32 (4): 0230-0241 DOI: 10.2478/ceer-2022-0054Popenda A, Wiśniowska E., Duarte C., Biosensors in environmental analysis of microplastics and heavy metal compounds – a review on current status and challenges, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2024, 100456

  • Wiśniowska E, Popenda A., Moraczewska Majkut K., Nocoń W. Microplastics removal in natural surface water coagulation process, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2024

  • Popenda A., Bajdur W., Application of New Polymer Flocculants in Industrial Wastewater Treatment, Annual set the Environmental Protection, 2023,25,383-388 
  • Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Popenda A., Wiśniowska E., Removal of emerging contaminants (ecs) and endocrine disrupting compounds (edc) from wastewater in the aspect of water protection, International Journal of Conservation Science, 2021, 12, Special Issue 1, 731-744 ISSN 2067-533X

  • Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Kozak J., Popenda A., Impact of aerobic stabilization of Sewage sludge on PAHs Concentration in Reject Waters, Journal of Ecological Engineering, 2021, 22,4,27-35.

  • Popenda A., Capping as in-situ alternative for contaminated sediments, Desalination and Water Treatment, 2020,199,420-433.

  • Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Popenda A., Wiśniowska E., Monitoring of organic miropollutants in effluents as crucial tool of sustainable development, Problems of Sustainable Development, 2018, 191-198

  • Popenda A., Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Hazard from sediments contaminated with persistence organic pollutants (POPs), Desalination and Water Treatment, 117, 2018, 318-328

  • Popenda A, Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Sediments contamination with organic micropollutants:current state and perspectives, Civil and Environmental Engineering Reports CEER 2016; 21 (2): 089-107 DOI: 10.1515/ceer-2016-0025

  • Popenda A., Włodarczyk-Makuła M., The application of biosurfactants into removal of selected micropollutants from soils and sediments, Desalination and Water Treatment, 57, 3, 2016, 1255 -1261, DOI: 10.1080/19443994.2014.996007

  • Popenda A., Effect of redox potential on heavy metals and As behaviour in dredged sediments, Taylor & Francis, Desalination and Water Treatment, 52 (2014) 3918–3927 doi: 10.1080/19443994.2014.887449

Rafał Rajczyk, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-3786-4692

Fields of interest
  • Biomass utilization, fluidized bed technology, combustion processes and emission control, waste combustion and co-combustion, flue gas measurement

Krzysztof Rećko, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0003-1838-6354

Fields of interest
  • municipal and industrial waste management and treatment and management methods,

  • circular economy and life cycle analysis (LCA) of products and processes,

  • energy use of waste,

  • fuels from waste,

  • waste management at an end-of-life vehicle station,

  • sewage sludge as a waste to be managed,

  • waste recycling.

The most important publications
  • Rećko, K. (2017). Gospodarka ściekowa na stacji demontażu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji. Autobusy: technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe, 18.

  • Rećko, K. (2020). Laboratory Research on the Possibility of Producing Fuels from Municipal Sewage Sludge, Rubber Waste and Biomass. Rocznik Ochrona Środowiska, 22(2), 680-692.

  • Rećko, K. (2015). Pozwolenia i decyzje wymagane dla stacji demontażu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji. Autobusy: technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe, 16, 186-190.

  • Rećko, K. (2023). Production of alternative fuels based on sewage sludge. Energies, 17(1), 48.

  • Rećko, K. (2022). Production of alternative fuels based on municipal sewage sludge and selected types of ELV waste. Energies, 15(16), 5795.

  • Rećko, K. (2018). Separator substancji ropopochodnych: ważny element gospodarki ściekowej na stacji demontażu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji. Autobusy: technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe, 19.

  • Rećko, K. (2014). Recykling metali żelaznych i nieżelaznych pozyskanych z demontażu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji. Autobusy: technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe, 15(6), 230-234.

  • Rećko, K. (2012). Możliwość wykorzystania wybranych odpadów z demontażu pojazdów wycofanych z eksploatacji do produkcji paliw alternatywnych. Autobusy: technika, eksploatacja, systemy transportowe, 13(5), 400-407.

  • Rećko, K., Hrunik, S., Mazurak, O., Sanytskyy, M. (2013). Energeticne vikoristannja osadiv sticnich vod u cementnij promislovosti”. Teoria i Praktika Budivnictva, Visnik Nacional'nogo Universitetu "L'vivs'ka Politechnika, 457-461 numer: 755

  • Rećko, K., Hrunik, S., Sanytskyy, M. (2012). „Environmental Impact Assessment of Combustible Wastes Utilization in Rotary Cement Kilns. Zahist Navkolisn'ogo Seredovisca. Energooscadnist 2012. Zbalansovane Prirodokoristuvania. 2-j miznarodnij kongres. Zbirnik materialiv. L'viv. 19-22 veresna


Agata Rosińska, Professor

ORCID: 0000-0001-7550-2679

Fields of interest
  • problems of environmental pollution with toxic organic compounds of soil, surface water, bottom sludge, sewage and sewage sludge,
  • methodology for the determination of PCBs in sewage sludge,
  • impact of water disinfection processes on changes in selected organic carbon fractions, increasing the efficiency of water treatment and the effective elimination of micropollutants in terms of preparing water for drinking and the safety of reclaimed water.
Fields of interest
    • issues in the field of water and wastewater treatment using activated carbons,
    • pollutant sorption processes on alternative sorbents towards sustainable development.
The most important publications
  • Rosińska A., Rakocz K. (2024). Ozonation and Changes in Biodegradable Organic Substances in Drinking Water Treatment: The Future of Green Technology. Energis 17(2), 530;

  • Wolska M., Kabsch-Korbutowicz M., Rosińska A., Solipiwko-Pieścik A., Urbańska-Kozłowska H. (2024). The Use of Microfiltration for the Pretreatment of Backwash Water from Sand Filters. Materials 17, 2819. https://

  • Rosińska A. (2023). Impact of biochar on sorption of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in water, Desalination and Water Treatment, 305, 103–113.  DOI: 10.5004/dwt.2023.29663

  • Rosińska A. (2022). Emerging pollutants wyzwaniem dla gospodarki wodno– ściekowej. Monografia, Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej, Częstochowa. ISBN 978–83–7193–520–6, ISSN 0860–5101.

  • Rosińska A. (2021). The influence of UV irradiation on PAHs in wastewater. Journal of Environmental Management, 293, 112760.

  • Rosińska A., Rakocz K. (2021). The influence UV/chlorination process on changes of biodegradable fraction in water. Journal of Cleaner Production, 278(11), 123947.

  • Rosińska A., Dąbrowska L. (2021). Influence of type and dose of coagulants on effectiveness of PAH removal in coagulation water treatment. Water Science and Engineering. 14(3), 193–200.

  • Rosińska A., Rakocz K. (2020). Risk assessment and the effect of chlorination on the content of forms of biodegradable organic carbon in water intended for consumption. Desalination and Water Treatment, 199, 371–379.

  • Rosińska A., Karwowska B. (2017). Dynamics of changes in coplanar and indicator PCB in sewage sludge during mesophilic methane digestion. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 323, 341–349.

  • Dąbrowska L., Rosińska A. (2012). Change of PCB and forms of heavy metals in sewage sludge during thermophilic anaerobic digestion. Chemosphere, 88(2), 168–173


Ewa Stańczyk-Mazanek, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-5850-3458

Fields of interest
  • microbiology of soils including its biological contamination ·

  • soil contamination, its remediation and phytoremediation.

The most important publications
  • Stępniak, L., Pasoń, Ł., Stańczyk-Mazanek, E., & Lach, J. (2018). Analysis of the presence and drug resistance of bacteria from the Enterobacteriaceae family and the genus of Enterococcus in treated wastewater from a selected wastewater treatment plant. Desalination and Water Treatment, 134, 23-29.

  • Stańczyk-Mazanek, E., Stępniak, L., & Kępa, U. (2019). Analysis of migration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from sewage sludge used for fertilization to soils, surface waters, and plants. Water, 11(6), 1270.

  • Kepa, U., Stepniak, L., Stanczyk-Mazanek, E., & Chudzik, K. (2019). Analysis of the structure of water demand with the example of selected buildings. Water, 11(8), 1635.

  • Stańczyk-Mazanek, E. (2020). Evaluation of the effect of toxicity of biochar used for soil fertilization and its water extract on plants. Desalination and Water Treatment, 199, 128-136.

  • Stańczyk-Mazanek, E., Szwaja, S., Włodarczyk-Makuła, M., & Kępa, U. (2020). The effect of biochar on migration of selected heavy metals to soil, waters and plant biomass and physical and chemical properties of soil. Desalination and Water Treatment, 199, 144-151.

  • Stańczyk-Mazanek, E., & Stępniak, L. (2021). Analysis of migration of pathogenic drug-resistant bacteria to soils and groundwater after fertilization with sewage sludge. Plos one, 16(12), e0256936.

  • Łada-Tondyra, E., Jakubas, A., Jabłońska, B., & Stańczyk-Mazanek, E. (2021). The research and analysis of the bactericidal properties of the spacer knitted fabric with the UV-C system. Opto-Electronics Review, 192-200.

  • Stępniak, L., & Stańczyk-Mazanek, E. (2022). Ultrasonic energy as an agent to aid water treatment in the coagulation process. Energies, 15(14), 5186.

  • Stańczyk-Mazanek, E. (2023). Analysis of the effect of sandy soil amendment with biochar on its physical and chemical properties and the quantity and quality of biomass yield of energy crops. Desalination and Water Treatment, 301, 216-227.

  • Pasoń, Ł., & Stańczyk-Mazanek, E. (2023). Effect of sewage sludge liming on drug-resistant bacteria of the Enterobacteriaceae family. Desalination and Water Treatment, 301, 135-142.


Robert Sekret, Professor

ORCID: 0000-0003-4694-2717

Fields of interest

Technologies for energy conversion, distribution, storage, and energy efficiency and environmental efficiency of energy supply systems for buildings, including:

  • low-temperature district heating systems - 4th and 5th generation,

  • heat and cold storage using phase change materials (PCM),

  • combined heat and power and hybrid energy sources for district heating, heating, and air-conditioning, 

  • energy management and energy audit,

  • innovative heating, ventilation, and air-conditioning installations.



Ewa Siedlecka, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5718-0581

Fields of interest
  • recovering useful components from waste and their alternative use in the aspect of sustainable development

  • industrial waste management, recovery of matter from bio-waste, sewage treatment, and recultivation of degraded areas.

  • industrial wastewater treatment and recovery of useful components from waste.

The most important publications
  • Siedlecka, E. (2023). Primary cells as a source of environmental micropollutants and the method of comprehensive recovery of useful components from them. Desalination and Water Treatment, 301, 115-124.

  • Całus-Makowska, K., Grosser, A., Grobelak, A., Białek, H., & Siedlecka, E. (2024). Kinetic study of the simultaneous removal of ibuprofen, carbamazepine, sulfamethoxazole, and diclofenac from water using biochar and activated carbon adsorption, and TiO2 photocatalysis. Desalination and Water Treatment, 320, 100817.

  • Siedlecka, E., & Siedlecki, J. (2021). Influence of valorization of sewage sludge on energy consumption in the drying process. Energies, 14(15), 4511.

  • Siedlecka, E. (2021). Targeted recovery of energy and matter: Review of technologies for the recovery of matter from biowaste sewage sludge. In Environmental safety of biowaste in the circular economy. Politechnika Częstochowska, 49-71.

  • Siedlecka, E. (2020). Comprehensive use of products generated during acid leaching of basic oxygen furnace sludge. Journal of Cleaner Production, 264, 121543.

  • Siedlecka, E., & Sobik-Szoltysek, J. (2019). Wastewater separation from gypsum suspensions and the management of resulting waste. Environmental Engineering & Management Journal (EEMJ), 18(2).

  • Jabłońska, B., & Siedlecka, E. (2015). Removing heavy metals from wastewaters with use of shales accompanying the coal beds. Journal of Environmental Management, 155, 58-66.

  • Sobik-Szołtysek, J., & Siedlecka, E. (2014). Analysis of sorptive capabilities of post-flotation dolomites used in insulation barriers construction of dumping sites. Desalination and Water Treatment, 52(19-21), 3775-3782.

  • Siedlecka, E., & Cieślak, A. (2022). Rozwiązania rekultywacji zdegradowanych terenów pokopalnianych. W Inżynieria środowiska i biotechnologia – wyzwania i nowe technologie (ss. 271-293). Politechnika Częstochowska.

  • Siedlecka, E., & Sobik-Szołtysek, J. (2017). Wydzielanie związków żelaza z roztworu po ługowaniu odpadów poflotacyjnych Zn-Pb. Inżynieria i Ochrona Środowiska, 20(2), 263-276


Jolanta Sobik-Szołtysek, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-6047-6110

Fields of interest
  • problem of management of mineral waste materials and bio-waste, including the problem of waste storage

  • search for the use of waste in engineering and environmental protection, as well as the problems of the spread of contamination in the ground and water environment, the reclamation of degraded areas and soil protection.

The most important publications
  • Celary P., Sobik-Szołtysek J. (2014). Vitrification as an alternative to landfilling of tannery sewage sludge. Waste Management, 34, 2520-2527.

  • Sobik-Szołtysek J., Wystalska K., Grobelak A. (2017). Effect of addition of sewage sludge and coal sludge on bioavailability of selected metals in the waste from the zinc and lead industry. Environmental Research, 156,  588-596.

  • Sobik-Szołtysek J., Wystalska K. (2020). Toxicity evaluation of eluates from waste after thermal conversion of sewage sludge. Desalination and Water Treatment, 186, 39–49.

  • Sobik-Szołtysek J. (2020). The Effect of pH on Stability of an Isolation Barrier Made of Dolomite Post-Floatation Waste. Minerals, 11, 1384.

  • Sobik-Szołtysek J., Wystalska K., Malińska K., Meers E. (2021). Influence of Pyrolysis Temperature on the Heavy Metal Sorption Capacity of Biochar from Poultry Manure. Materials, 14, 6566.

  • Kacprzak M., Sobik-Szołtysek J. (2022). The opoka-rock in N and P of poultry manure management according to circular economy. Journal of Environmental Management,  316, 115262.

  • Mercurio M., Olusegun S.J., Malińska K., Wystalska K., Sobik-Szołtysek J., Dąbrowska A., Krysiński P., Osial M. (2023). Removal of tetracycline and rhodamine from aqueous systems by pristine biochar derived from poultry manure. Desalination and Water Treatment, 288, 72–86.

  • Wystalska, K., Malińska K., Sobik-Szołtysek J., Dróżdż D., Meers E. (2023). Properties of Poultry-Manure-Derived Biochar for Peat Substitution in Growing Media. Materials, 16(19), 6392.

  • Gryszpanowicz P., Sobik-Szołtysek J., Grabowski P., Janiszewski P., Kacprzak M. (2024).  Chemical modifications of old natural stone pavements surface for safety reuse – Risk mitigation. Construction and Building Materials,  411, 134300.

  • Sobik-Szołtysek J. (2024). Removal of selected contaminants of the soil and water environment on a model isolation barrier.  Desalination and Water Treatment, 317, 100272.


Elżbieta Sperczyńska, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-2389-2959

Fields of interest
  • water and wastewater treatment technology

  • removal and/or recovery of biogenic compounds from reject liquids, the use of hybrid processes (coagulation, oxidation, sorption) during the preparation of water for drinking and industrial purposes

  • removal of natural organic matter and selected micropollutants from surface water.

The most important publications
  • Karwowska, B., Sperczyńska, E. (2023). Coagulation Enhanced with Adsorption and Ozonation Processes in Surface Water Treatment. Sustainability, 15(24), 16956.

  • Karwowska, B., Sperczyńska, E. (2022). Organic Matter and Heavy Metal Ions Removal from Surface Water in Processes of Oxidation with Ozone, UV Irradiation, Coagulation and Adsorption. Water, 14(22), 3763.

  • Dąbrowska, L., Sperczyńska, E. (2022). Ocena wód i osadów dennych zbiorników rekreacyjnych na terenie miasta Częstochowa. W: A. Rosińska, B. Karwowska, M. Madeła (red.),  Inżynieria środowiska i biotechnologia – wyzwania i nowe technologie (s. 22-34) Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Politechniki  Częstochowskiej

  • Sperczyńska, E. (2022). Usuwanie i odzysk fosforu z cieczy osadowych. W: A. Rosińska, B. Karwowska, M. Madeła (red.),  Inżynieria środowiska i biotechnologia – wyzwania i nowe technologie (s. 319-332). Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Politechniki  Częstochowskiej

  • Dąbrowska, L., Karwowska, B., Rosińska, A.,  Sperczyńska, E. (2021). Oczyszczanie wody w procesach hybrydowych. Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Politechniki  Częstochowskiej.

  • Karwowska, B., Sperczyńska, E., Dąbrowska, L. (2021). Water Treatment in Hybrid Connection of Coagulation, Ozonation, UV Irradiation and Adsorption Processes. Water, 13(13), 1748.

  • Sperczyńska, E. (2021). Identification, Quantification and Prioritization of Technological Solutions from the Point of View of Environmental Impact. W: E. Neczaj, A. Grosser (red.), Environmental Safety of Biowaste in the Circular Economy (s.126-135). Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Politechniki Częstochowskiej

  • Nowak, R., Sperczyńska, E. (2021). Identification, Quantification and Prioritization of Technological Solutions from the Point of View of Environmental Impact. W: E. Neczaj, A. Grosser (red.), Environmental Safety of Biowaste in the Circular Economy (s.263-270). Częstochowa: Wydawnictwo Politechniki  Częstochowskiej

  • Sperczyńska, E., Dąbrowska, L., Wiśniowska, E., (2016) Removal of turbidity, colour and organic matter from surface water by coagulation with polyaluminium chlorides and with activated carbon as coagulant aid. Desalin. Water Treat., 57(3), 1139-1144.

  • Karwowska, B., Sperczyńska, E., Wiśniowska, E., (2016). Characteristics of Reject Waters and Condensates Generated During Drying of Sewage Sludge from Selected Wastewater Treatment Plants. Desalin. Water Treat., 57(3), 1176-1183.


Przemysław Szymanek PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5065-9311

Fields of interest

Michał Turski, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4341-3062

Fields of interest
  • District heating, ventilation and air conditioning, renewable energy, simulation and investigation of heating and cooling systems, cities and buildings of the future, energy auditing, efficiency and storage

Dariusz Wawrzyńczak, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0162-2456

Fields of interest
  • CO2 capture, purification and utilization, adsorption technologies, solid adsorbent analysis, integration of conventional and renewable technologies, methane/hydrogen separation and storage

Ewa Wiśniowska, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8931-6591

Fields of interest
  • Microplastics removal from water, wastewater and environment,

  • Advanced oxidation methods in removal of macro- and micropollutants,

  • Recovery of products and elements from wastewater and sludge,


Michał Wichliński, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0003-0522-5949

Fields of interest
  • Energy sources and resources, heat and electricity production and demand, solar and wind energy, energy storage, reactivity of solid calcium-based sorbents, mercury emission and control


Maria Włodarczyk-Makuła, Professor

ORCID: 000-0002-3978-2420

Fields of interest
  • Water and wastewater technology – innovative technologies

  • Methods of preparation of environmental samples (water, wastewater, sewage sludges, soil, plants) to determine of PAHs and other organic micropollutants;

  • Analyses of changes in the concentration of PAHs in water, wastewater and sewage sludges in

    treatment plant under technical scale;

  • Removal of organic micropollutants (PAHs, PCBs, AOX, pharmaceutics, endocrine disruption compounds, PFAS/PFOS) from water and from wastewater during advanced oxidation processes (photo-oxidation, catalytic oxidation) and separation of these compounds by membrane processes and adsorption process

  • Fates of “emerging contaminants” in the water environment

Cooperation with Editorial Board of scientific journals
  • Desalination and Water Treatment – A member of Editorial Board

  • Annual set the Environment Protection – A member of Editorial Office

  • Engineering and Protection of Environment - A member of Editorial Board

  • Guest Editor of Special Issue in Energies: Utilization of Renewable Energies for Waste Water Treatment (2024)


  1. Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Changes in the quantity of PAHs in wastewater and sewage sludges,Publishing of Czestochowa University of Technology, 126, 2007.
  2. Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Selected organic micropollutants in waters and in soils, Environmental Engineering Comities, Polish Scientific Academy, series of Monographs, 104, 2013
  3. Włodarczyk-Makuła M., Physical and Chemical Fates of organic micropollutants, Scholar-Press, 2015, Saarsbrucken, ISBN 978-3-639-85930-0

    Web of Science: 102 records, H-index 17, citations 898 ; Google Scholar: H-index 21, citations 1677

Renata Włodarczyk, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-0093-5178

Fields of interest
  • Fuel cells, hydrogen production and storage, electrolysis, solar power, corrosion processes and control, corrosion inhibitors, material engineering


Lidia Wolny, Professor

ORCID: 0000-0002-7020-8523

Fields of interest
  • Sludge management in wastewater treatment plants.

  • Technological systems of municipal wastewater treatment plants.

  • Supporting the sludge dewatering process.


Paweł Wolski, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5709-1773

Fields of interest
  • rheology of sewage sludge

  • ultrasonic conditioning of sewage sludge

  • sewage sludge dewatering


Małgorzata Worwąg, PhD

ORCID: 0000-0001-9029-8944

Fields of interest
  • composting and co-composting of sewage sludge and municipal waste

  • disposal and management of sewage sludge

  • recovery of biogenic compounds from sewage sludge and sewage

  • bioleaching of heavy metals from waste and sewage


Katarzyna Wystalska, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8683-342X

Fields of interest
  • Thermal transformation of waste in the pyrolysis process.

  • Production and properties of biochar.

  • The use of biochar in pollution removal processes.

The most important publications
  • Wystalska, K.; Grosser, A. Sewage Sludge-Derived Biochar and Its Potential for Removal of Ammonium Nitrogen and Phosphorus from Filtrate Generated during Dewatering of Digested Sludge. Energies 2024, 17, 1310.

  • Wystalska, K.; Kowalczyk, M.; Kamizela, T.;Worwąg, M.; Zabochnicka, M. Properties and Possibilities of Using Biochar Composites Made on the Basis of Biomass andWaste Residues Ferryferrohydrosol Sorbent. Materials 2024, 17, 2646.

  • Kamizela, T.; Kowalczyk, M.; Worwąg, M.;Wystalska, K.; Zabochnicka, M.; Kępa, U. Possibilities of ManagingWaste Iron Sorbent FFH after CO2 Capture as an Element of a Circular Economy. Materials 2024, 17, 2725.

  • Wystalska, K.; Kwarciak-Kozłowska, A.; Włodarczyk, R. Influence of Technical Parameters of the Pyrolysis Process on the Surface Area, Porosity, and Hydrophobicity of Biochar from Sunflower Husk Pellet. Sustainability 2023, 15, 394. 10.3390/su15010394

  • Kacprzak,  M., Malińska,K.,  Grosser, A., Sobik-Szołtysek, J., Wystalska, K., Dróżdż, D., Jasińska, A., & Meers, E. (2023), Cycles of carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in poultry manure management technologies – environmental aspects, Critical Review in Environmental Science and Technology, 53:8, 914-938,

  • Mercurio, M., Olusegun, S., J., Malinska, K., Wystalska, K., Sobik-Szoltysek, J., Dabrowska, A., Krysinski, P., Osial, M. Removal of tetracycline and rhodamine from aqueous systems by pristine biochar derived from poultry manure Desalination and Water Treatment 288 (2023) 72-86

  • Dróżdż, D.; Malińska, K.; Wystalska, K.; Meers, E.; Robles-Aguilar, A. The Influence of Poultry Manure-Derived Biochar and Compost on Soil Properties and Plant Biomass Growth. Materials 2023, 16, 6314.

  • Wystalska, K.; Malińska, K.; Sobik-Szołtysek, J.; Dróżdż, D.; Meers, E. Properties of Poultry-Manure-Derived Biochar for Peat Substitution in Growing Media. Materials 2023, 16, 6392.

  • Wystalska, K.; Kwarciak-Kozłowska, A. Utilization of Digestate from Agricultural and FoodWaste for the Production of Biochar Used to Remove Methylene Blue. Sustainability 2023, 15, 14723.

  • Wystalska, K., Malińska, K., Barczak M., 2021. Poultry manure derived biochars – the impact of pyrolysis temperature on selected properties and potentials for further modifications. Journal of Sustainable Development of Energy, Water and Environment Systems Volume 9, Issue 1, 1080337.


Magdalena Zabochnicka, PhD, DSc


Fields of interest
  • innovative use of hybrid methods for removing biogenic compounds, heavy metals and dyes from industrial wastewater

  • carbon dioxide capture,

  • production and management of microalgae biomass

  • waste management


Robert Zarzycki, PhD, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0001-5735-4385

Fields of interest
  • Numerical modeling and simulations, production of power and heat, diagnostics of boilers, turbines and other devices, thermodynamics, thermal treatment of solids, biochar production, waste heat reuse


Iwona Zawieja, PhD, DSc, Eng.

ORCID: 0000-0002-4480-8736

Fields of interest
  • biogas production from sewage sludge and industrial waste

  • methods for intensifying methane fermentation of sewage sludge

  • conditioning of sewage sludge

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