CCS-CCU technology for carbon footprint reduction using bio-adsorbents (acronym BIOCO2) project was implemented between October 1, 2019 and September 30, 2022 as part of the International Academic Partnership Program funded by the Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange.
PROJECT CONCERNS the establishment of an international academic partnership in the field of reducing the carbon footprint by utilizing carbon dioxide from energy and other industries, as well as from combustion of biomass, including biomass from municipal waste, and producing useful products using renewable energy. This subject is extremely important due to the need to reduce anthropogenic emissions of CO2 gases.
OBJECTIVE OF THE PROJECT is to undertake long-term scientific cooperation carried out as part of an international academic partnership established by Czestochowa University of Technology from Poland with universities and research institutes from Spain, Italy and Portugal, promoting the best practices and innovative solutions in the field of reducing carbon dioxide emissions.
PROJECT ACTIVITIES have been divided into five work packages:
WP1 - CCU-CCS technology analysis
WP2 - Bio-adsorbents engineering
WP3 - Utilization of CO2 – DME production
WP4 - Utilization of CO2 – concrete production
WP5 - Carbon footprint analysis
PROJECT TARGET GROUPS are employees and PhD students of the Częstochowa University of Technology and Project Partners who want to promote the results of their research abroad and cooperate in an international team to promote the best solutions in the field of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from fuel combustion. The most numerous target group will be readers of generally available articles, published as open access as part of the project.
Project has been finansially supported by Polish National Agency for Academic Exchange uder the contract No. PPI/APM/2019/1/00042/U/00001