

Czestochowa University of Technology

Czestochowa University of Technology is the largest state university in the region, composed of six Faculties: Civil Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science, Production Engineering and Materials Technology, Infrastructure and Environment, Management.

The research activity of the Department of Advanced Energy Technologies at the Faculty of Infrastructure and Environment is focused on: clean coal technologies, new energy technologies, oxygen carbon combustion technologies, renewable energy sources and energy storage technologies. The Institute cooperates with other scientific and research units, both at home and abroad, which results in the implementation of many international and domestic projects. The cooperation with the industry has contributed to the construction of innovative pilot plants for demonstrating oxygen combustion technology, oxygen production from the air and CO2 separation from flue gases using the DR-VPSA method.

During its activity, the Institute received 28 patents, submitted 15 inventions and obtained 7 implementations, implemented 30 research projects as grants, commissioned and development projects.



To carry out the analysis of the proposed CCS / CCU technologies, with attention to production of dimethyl ether from CO2 and H2 as well as CO2 enriched prefabricates.

This stage includes the identification of the necessary data for the complementarity of the entire processes. The main substrates necessary for the utilization / storage of carbon dioxide as well as the requirements and parameters of the process are going to be determined, as well as, some investigation of selected adsorbent are preformed. The collected data will be the base to calculate the carbon footprint as well as energy flow analysis.


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Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską w ramach Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego.
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