Instituto Superior Técnico, Universidade de Lisboa (IST-UL) is the largest and most reputed school of Engineering, Science and Technology in Portugal. Since its creation in 1911, IST’s mission is to contribute to the development of society by providing top quality higher education and research activities.
CERIS – “Civil Engineering Research and Innovation for Sustainability” – is an RDI unit of the Civil Engineering, Architecture and Georresources Department of IST-UL. It comprises 115 PhD researchers and around 250 PhD students. CERIS is transversally organized into four thematic strands that directly derive from national and EU directives: Product Development for Industry; Risk and Safety in Built and Natural Environments; Rehabilitation of Built and Natural Environments; Response to Natural and Societal Changes. In the scope of the low-carbon concrete, the main scientific skills of the CERIS research team comprise advanced concrete technology (characterization, performance, durability and lifecycle) and sustainable cementitious materials (incorporating waste, recycled concrete, recycled cement and recycled and lightweight aggregates). The members of the team have published around 100 papers in refereed SCI journals and have participated in 10 national projects in the last 10 years.
The conditions that can improve CO2 uptake during the production and curing processes of cementitious mixtures will be studied. Also, recycled cement will be tested under carbonation to improve its performance as a green binding element for concrete.
Different parameters will be tested, namely: CO2 concentration, mixing time and rotation speed of the mixing pans, water content and particle size. The mixtures will be characterized through micro- and macro-structure analysis in order to investigate the early-age carbonation and hardening mechanisms of cement materials, as well as to assess the influence of the CO2 uptake on the cement hydration, mechanical behavior and durability.